Polyglot Girls Collective

A Language Learning Program

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The go-to program to get you learning a language with ease.

At the Polyglot Girls Collective we help you create a personalized strategy to study foreign languages in a motivational and organized way.

Any of this sound familiar?

>> I can't find time to study a language.

>> I am too overwhelmed with everything that I have to learn in a foreign language.

>> I find grammar soooo boring and that unmotivates me to learn.

>> I'm too busy to practice a language.

Did you nod your head reading that? You're exactly in the right place!

This is an online program where I support your language study journey with monthly digital tools.

In the Polyglot Girls Collective you will find 12 kits with inspiring and helpful resources to plan and boost your language learning process.

This is your ultimate roadmap to have a successful language learning experience!

✔ Consistently stick to powerful language learning habits like: immersing yourself in a foreign language, journaling, practicing any kind of content and staying organized.

✔ Feel like you are being guided to learn in a structured way.

✔ Be confident about your learning process because you know you are taking daily action.

✔ Effortlessly move towards your language study goals even in busy or difficult periods.

✔ Feel encouraged and motivated to learn every day.

✔ Have fun in your language study sessions.

What's included in the Polyglot Girls Collective?

When you enroll in the Polyglot Girls Collective you'll have access to 12 kits. Each kit was made to help you during one entire month of language learning.

Each month use one of the printables available to practice one aspect of language learning that you may have problems with. If you want you can also use more than one printable in the month.

Printables you will find:

1) Making Grammar Easier

2) Studying Sessions Checklist

3) Learn while you watch a movie or show

4) Learn while you listen to your favourite songs

5) Language Learning 2020 Schedule

6) Self-curriculum Maker

7) New vocabulary Sheets

8) Language Study Mini Planner

9) Language Sentence-Patterns Templates

10) Language Study Productivity Strategy

11) Language Learning Goals Tracker

12) Language Learning Every Day

Immerse yourself in a foreign language by doing one monthly challenge! You'll have 30 days to practice your target language through the activity of the challenge. You can use the printable to track your progress doing it!

Challenges you can do:

1) Multilingual Disney Song

2) Common Phrases Challenge

3) Movies or Show Challenge

4) Playlist in Target Language Challenge

5) 30 Days of Youtube Videos

6) Reading Outloud for 30 Days

7) New Alphabet in 30 Days

8) Journaling for 30 Days

9) Get more fluent at Speaking in 30 days

10) One sentence in 30 languages!

11) Disney Classics 30 Day Challenge

12) Five Songs in a month Challenge

Decorate your cellphone with beautiful wallpapers in different languages! Each set of wallpapers has a different theme and is available in five different languages.

Themes of wallpapers: Love, Achieving Goals, Christmass, Gratitude, Family, Female Power, Growth Mindset, Spring, Nature and Dream Career.

Languages: English, Albanian, Croatian, Swedish, Vietnamese, Afrikaans, Czech, Dutch, Esperanto, Chinese, Danish, Romanian, Russian, Portuguese, German, Korean, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Slovenian, Basque, Bosnian, Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Haitian Creole, Galician, Hungarian, Mapuzungun, Maya, Hawaiian, Nahuatl, Polish.

Learn about a topic that will help you improve your language learning experience and habits.

Each masterclass will give you new ideas and tips so that you are able to learn a foreign language autonomously in a successful way.

No more feeling overwhelmed or disorganized in relation to your language studies!

Masterclasses Available:

>> Organize Your Language Learning Notebooks.

>> Design a Personalized Language Curriculum.

>> Learning a Language when you are Busy AF.

>> Creating a Thriving Language Study Plan.

>> Developing a Growth Mindset at Language Learning.

>> Consistency at Language Learning.

>> Easy-to-do Strategies to Learn Languages Every Day


Your Instructor

Sofía Muñoz Sahady
Sofía Muñoz Sahady

Sofía is a self taught graphic designer who creates printables to help women achieve their goals.

She is the founder of Blissogirl, a website where she posts about organization, decluttering, learning languages and planning.

She has created many workbooks, planners, journals and binders that she sells on her Etsy store.

Every new printable she makes, is specially thought for the girl who wants to take action into her live, learning a foreign language, planning her days to achieve her goals, journaling or taking care of herself.

In the last year, Sofía has been working in her brand so as to suit the life she has always dreamt of: being an independent entrepreneur. At the same time, through her printables she encourages women to follow their dreams, specially those related to creating their perfect career.

She is currently designing new products for her store, writing her third manuscript for a YA novel, learning Korean and Italian at the same time, and becoming more spiritual.

Course Curriculum

When you enroll in the Polyglot Girls Collective you will have immediate access to a welcome package and bonus content to download and enjoy.

>> Stickers for Language Students

>> Weekly Set of Language Checklists

>> Pronunciation Tips Interview With a Phonetics Teacher

>> How I learned 150+ German Words in 2 Days

>> Language Learning Bullet Journal Printable

Frequently Asked Questions

How much content will I have access to when enrolling?
When you enroll in the Polyglot Girls Collective, you have immediate access to all of the monthly kits that have been uploaded to the membership so far.
How long do I have access to the membership program?
If you paid for the monthly subscription, you will have access as long as you pay the monthly fees. When you finish your payments, and if you paid the lifetime subscription, you have access forever!
Can I ask for a refund?
I'm so sorry! As this is a digital program, once you join you'll have access to every single file and video, so I cannot give refunds to you. I made this program as valuable as possible so that you love being part of it. I'll be adding some bonuses in the future so that you get even more value 💕
Do I need to be fluent in English to take this program?
I would recommend this program to you only if you understand the English language in an easy way. If you are an intermediate or advanced English speaker, you won't have any problem. On the other hand, if you are just starting to learn English or you are at a basic level, you may find hard to understand the masterclasses and audios.

Get started now!